SwinggCat's Natural Vibing Contest

Swinggcat's Natural Vibing Audio Course


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"Why do YOU want the Natural Vibing Audio Course?"



I want the Natural Vibing course, because I really think it can help. I'm totally agree with you on that, that no matter what lines you memorize to get the girls you want, you are not gonnna get consistent result if you can't vibe, if we can't get that natural conection with the ladies. We have radiate prizability. Being honest, I think I've been really lucky with ladies lately, but my internal repressions screwed me up.I had a girl so ready for the kiss and intimacy, she was cute, may be a 7 or 8, and the worst she started the coversation, she aproached to me, I just did some body language, like you told me I holded my gaze, and then she talked to me, and I couldn't kiss her, so my self steem went a little low because I lost a good opportunity, and I wanna stop keep relying in luck to get girls, that's why I want the course, I know I got prizability, but I need some more help, specially for my sticking points. ok Swinggcat thanks,bye. - leomiau



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I grew up without much support from my family, as most of my family members remained in China while my parents and I were here. I never was given the opportunity to build much confidence, and trying to build a suitable life here in America when I knew little about its culture caused me to feel even more alienation. My past relationships have never been successful, because in striving to fit in as an immigrant when I was younger I've had to "fake nice" often in fear of upsetting others and being isolated at school and in social gatherings. I've taken chances with girls in the past, reaching out to kiss them or spontaneously channeling my affection, and it worked to my favor. Sadly, After each large leap I took I slowly declined in my level of spontaneity and became boring. As a stand-up comic, I often tell dirty jokes or sound crude. On stage, that persona is accepted; but every time I've used my material in everyday conversations, women have been turned off, leaving me either apologizing fervently or awkwardly directing the course of a conversation onto something I'm not interested in. I've held successful, engaging online conversations with women, some of which have lasted three or more hours. However, whenever I get the opportunity to meet these women in person, I still freeze up, get awkward, act like I'm not myself, or even at times hyperventilate. This has been the number one cause of my current failures, when I yield to women and put them in control, almost involuntarily. I know that I'm an interesting person, and I know that I can wow women whenever I don't take things seriously and remain confident. Once when I did not think I had a chance with a girl and did not seek to impress her, I acted myself and got her to both cheat on her boyfriend and take naked pictures of herself for me. I still tell myself to remain calm but unfortunately evolution has predisposed me to continuously tense up when approaching the fairer sex. I will soon be moving to New York, where there are tons of social, outspoken people. If I don't step up my confidence soon, I will be living alone and without assistance or support in a city where one can't get by with the lack of either. I don't want to spend my future nights feeling gloomy and restless in the bright city that never sleeps - Anonymous



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I really want the natural vibing because I want to become a natural once for all! Your products are fucking great, they are the cream of the cream. I want it so much! I want to know how to vibe well, as you say it so important and I don't think I do it wel. I am from Argentina, here there are no gurus, there is no so much information. I want it because it will make more happy, it can help a lot to meet woman, to find a girlfriend. That's all. I use also this space, to thank you for all your work, is amazing. It can not be compared with all the other shit that it's in the community. Keep working, you are helping a lot of men that don't know their path. THANKS! - Anonymous



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would like the Natural Vibing course, because I am horribly handi-capped when it comes to interacting with women. I'm the only guy I know who avoided women for three years simply because I didn't know how to talk them. I've bought and read books on how to talk to women, but I can never seem to be anything more than friends. I've talked to friends who were successful with women, and even their advice hasn't ever yielded positive results. I'm at my wits end, and every where I look seems like a dead end. That is why I would like a copy of the Natural Vibing course. Not because I wish to take advantage of women or abuse them in any way. But because like every other living, breathing human I don't want to be alone. I want to end this streak of unbreakable celibacy and be able to share with women the great guy that I know I am. Thanks for the help, swingcat. Brandon



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For a long time I have had difficulty getting established in life which has destroyed my confidence in having a relationship with women. They have a certain expectation of where I should be in my life but being a late bloomer I cannot meet that. They can also see through me and seem not to be attracted to me other than be a friend. I want more but don't seem to have that vib to find that person who accepts me as I am and doesn't care about my past. Afterall the past is not the future.

- Anonymous


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Hmmmm why do I want the course? Well I don’t, I really need it. The same old story about me has been going on my whole life. That is me not being able to talk to girls, I could just never vibe with them. Not only that I cannot really vibe with people, not even my last girlfriend. Since I was young, I was pretty much the joke. Even if I tried to fit in, it would end up with me being laughed at then I would feel inferior to the group. Don’t get me wrong im not an ugly guy im pretty much a ten, and I did end up getting some game from reading up on seduction material. But I realized when I did negging, push-pull, and things like that it did make the girl like me. But after awhile it would stop then they would pretty much start spitting jokes about me. I try to spit back but im not that good at cracking on people. Then I just leave them alone. It’s not just that when im around different types of girls it’s hard to converse with them, if we do it would then become dull. And that suppose to be my friends, im not suppose to not be able to have a descent conversation with them. And it’s not that im afraid to say something it’s that I can’t find the words to say. Im 17 at the moment and im tired of feeling this way. Whenever im so close to losing my virginity, I fuck up by doing or saying something stupid. im not the best writer cause hell im not doing that well in English but I know what I want and I don’t want me acting this way, good looks can only get me so far, I have to be able to vibe with people mainly girls. And I really need to have that course. That’s what my game needs, to be more natural - N.



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I work and go to school with a very hot woman. We started competing against each other (for grades, promotions) when we first met, but now we are helping each other out all the time and make it point to have lunch together everyday. We see each other as much as possible during the week, but on the weekends we tend to our broken marriages and kids. I feel that she is ready to further but I need some help getting to see me as the prize and connecting fully with me. This course will give me the edge I need to succeed with her! ,/



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I'm a twenty eight year old virgin that has yet to kiss a woman. I've been told several times that I'm handsome and charming and have had several women fall head over heels for me (some have even stalked me). But there's one problem, when I get the girl to my house I never seal the deal because I would never attempt to. I'm a medical resident (which means I work forever and get paid less than minimum wage), pianist, chef, artist, violinist, and artist. It seems like I have everything, yet nothing to show for it. The frustration is maddening and I can't turn to friends because they don't believe me (they think I'm a perfect ladies man, some have compared me to Bond). I truly believe that the answer to my problems can be found in your Natural Vibing course and is probably my last hope. Due to my $300,000 debt I can not afford the course that can change and possibly save my life. Thank you for your consideration.- d



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I want a copy of the Natural Vibing course to use in my personal and work life as well as to be able to communicate better with my sons. Communications is more about non verbal cues and I need to get better atuned to the "other" form of communication that I am so deaf at. Understanding the whole message will lead to better interactions with everyone you come in contact with. Mike



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So I was at the local deli and I noticed her, about 5'3, long dark hair, caramel complexion. She had on a white tank top with a black skirt so short that it's unfair! She looked to be middle eastern or hispanic and she donned white sandals with a freshly done pedicure and a golden anklet that hugged her ankles. It was complimented by her bare smooth legs that was topped off by a set of round buttocks that when you saw it, you'd swore she was a lifter addicted to the squat rack. Her wide hips flared just inside of her rear and her tiny waist followed by her large revealing bustline reminescent of 2 large ripe melons on a summer's eve with the immaculate component of a thin angular collarbone. Good God, I was in love. I looked at her while she was in line. She noticed me out of the corner of my eye and she turned to smile, yes I broke eye contact and looked away. You guessed it, I went home that night and just thought about her. Pathetic I know, you don't even have to say. So I looked around and found a newsletter to swingcat's mailing list. I was very skeptical at first but thought, what's the risk? After a few months, I returned to that deli. I saw her again ALONE! The stars must be aligned. I felt my heart beating faster. I knew it was now or never! He who hesitates masturbates! All this went through my head and I thought what the hell. I looked up at her, cleared my throat and right as I was about to speak she turns to smile. SHIT! I thought to myself, her warm embracing smile has gotten me entangled in my own words. I pushed through and was able to say, "todays soup is great, I love broccoli and cheddar, do you"? She says "Well I..." I cut her off and say "well you know what they say about girls who match their eye shadow with their outfits and soup don't you"? (Something she did that I absolutely loved) She responds with a subtle, "no what"? I go, "well it doesn't matter cause today's special is broccoli and cheddar, im steve by the way". She tells me "oh okay, I'm Nahla". (Nahla means honey bee in arabic as I later learned.) So steve, what's do they say about girls like me huh"? (At this point she's up next, and the cashier is telling us "next please") I just swiftly walk up and order my usual, a turkey avocado and broccoli and cheddar. So of course, she follows me and says tell me! (followed by a playful slap on the arm, you're SO MEAN! I think to myself "oh its on") I look at her with a semi surprise semi cocky face and say "well im gonna eat over there, come through and maybe you'll find out". Long story short, she comes over and we sit and talk for a good 15-20 mins before I had to return to work. I get her number and we enjoy each others company. I got a date with this hottie next week!! ;) All I got to thank is swingcat because I successfully utilized the "tension loop". She remembered it and it teased and entranced her, similar to how she had me with her smile. The tables have turned HA! So I think I should get swingcat's natural vibing because I feel my game is while progressing well BUT it IS missing that vibing he speaks of in these recent newsletters. I must have it to be closer to completion if not FULLY completing my game! Also, I'll be helping out a high school buddy of mine with the game. He just got into it so swingcat's natural vibing will be a powerful tool in assisting with that. Thank you for reading and keep it real...real smooth. ;) - Anonymous



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I need this course because first of all i hardly ever got laid at all entil last year when i discovered all you people on bristol lair but everything is still inconsistent and i don't know why.i'm 28 years old and my confidence is shattering again.i really believe this course is what i need because any time i have any luck it does seem to be some emotional frequency but i just can't put my finger on it.i have full custody of my child and work slave labor construction so money is always tight plus my play time is limited to 2 nights a week so i need every advantage i can posibably get.i'm at my wits end and i'm so frustrated with my sex life.i still feel clueless most of the time.your real world seduction book helped me alot but something is still missing and i think it just might be this course.thanks for reading - chris



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i'm very interested in this natural vibrating course, because I have fallen in love with a girl named Jessy. We meet at church camp last summer in the pool, we where the only ones there. I don't get to see her very often because she lives far away, but i will hopefully get my lisence soon, considering i'm still 16. I havn't been able to stop thinking about her. she is everything i thought would make someone perfect. every single time i see her i feel wonderful. keep in mind that this crush has lasted 8 months, meaning its not just some stupid teenage crush. but anyways, i really just don't know how to tell her i've fallen in love with her and still keep our friendship alive, because she's become one of my best friends. anyways, i hope you chose me, thank you sincerly collin



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I want the natrual vibing course more than anything. As soon as i heard the name, and after i read the article about vibing with women i was enthralled. This is exactly what i was looking for after ever enterraction i have had with women, or at least most. I gotta tell you your other products have been great outstanding, but i always felt that there was something missing! Its like this bro, if i win this contest i have no doubt in my mind that i will ever again have any fear about my conversation with woman going bad. Ill never worry about women getting bored with what im saying. I always can tell im vibing with women and its great, but if there is a course out there they can break down how to do it thats amazing! Truly you must be some kinda wizard to be able to describe that to me. But i beilve you bro. I have always been great at giving advice to my friends, please let me, get some advice from you. Your Friend John



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Here is why: One, I'm a lawyer ... so I can think logically and quickly put all Swinggcat advice to work while cutting through all the fluff. I think these e-mails rock! Sometimes they help me with women, and other times, it's just big entertainment. I've been single for a while but have a lot of chick pals floating around who do my bidding now and again. So this stuff keeps my mind working and things moving in the right direction. Thirdly, I'll share any feedback I have on the course. No flattery ... No BS ... No gripe session. Just pure feedback to help you help us. -James



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