SwinggCat's Natural Vibing Contest

Swinggcat's Natural Vibing Audio Course


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"Why do YOU want the Natural Vibing Audio Course?"



I've read most of the material available from the PUA community, and have found most of it to be quite redundant. As a result, I truly enjoy the rare works containing seminal ideas on attraction and rapport. Based on your introductory emails, I sense that your Natural Vibing course may fit the bill. But wait! Maybe your course is not unique at all. Give me an example of how your new material breaks new ground? I must say that your early emails evinced several of the better sales and persuasion tactics. As a Pre-Sales Technologist, I can appreciate that. That's probably why I might not enjoy the content of your course that much, though - we think too much alike, and I've probably discovered many of your "breakthroughs" on my own as a result. I gotta admit, though, you seem like a guy who's eager to share ideas that you believe will help your fellow man. I typically don't like people like that, as they come off kinda like. . . I don't know. . . those pesky Jehovah's Witnesses who bang on my door early on Saturday mornings pushing their religion on me in the hopes of saving my soul. I'll have to consider whether you're worthy of an exception in this case. Am I a good student or what? - Anonymous



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Dear Swinggcat, I'm hoping that you would consider my response. I'm 48 and have had 3 long term relationships in my life and everyone of them ended badly with the woman leaving me. I would try and do everything in my power to show them that I loved them and and seen from your other courses that I have that this was a very defeating strategy. my last girlfriend of 7 years is 20 years younger than me and knows that I still care and has paraded several men in places that she knows that I would be and It has just wrecked havoc with me. I want to be able to select the type of women I want and have choices that I have not been able to get. I know it is not what you really express in your courses, but I'm looking for that girl to really connect with and be able to be happy. I will keep a log for you and will be deligent in using the course and give you a great testamonial. No matter what, thanks for the help and emails. Ken



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I desire to acquire the Natural Vibing course because, as a guy who went from a complete chump to a ladies man with skills, I know that this course will truly help me in my endeavor to be able to attract the women that I really desire to attract. I have felt how it is to be not worth a cent, down and out when it comes to women and because of Swinggcat's courses, I have experienced much more plentiful success than I had ever dreamed of, and I felt like I was finally getting the chance to get this area of my life straightened out. So, I feel that the Natural Vibing course will deliver the best of the best information to me so that I may be able to rest assured that I have achieved one of my major goals in life- Anonymous



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I want to learn how to keep the energy going in interactions with females. Different females react differently in different situations. Some women lay there and lay like "dead fish" and others are all excited without you saying anything. I want to reach the deepest part of a woman and I have been working on this for a few years. I would like to capture the perfect girl and reach deep inside her soul and make her the happiest person who ever lived. Being able to communicate that to her not only through words, but by body language is paramount. Learning how to vibe with different women in different moods and mindsets will enable me to meet more women and hopefully find the right "one." I have liked more women than probably anyone and I am sure it is well over 100 right now. There were three that were of the highest significance. The last of these three happened a few years ago and started me on this journey of learning about women. The toughest thing for me to get by was the girls who, for example, in the middle of a conversation the color of my eyes would come up. I would say my eyes are hazel and they change colors. All the sudden, she would say "oh, my boyfriend's eyes do that too." And then later that same day I was talking to a girl and I asked "so what did you do today" and she said "I was at my boyfriend's house." My heart sank both times and the vibe was lost. The second girl was pretty much lost from that point. It took me awhile to learn that a female's definition for boyfriend is different than what a guy thinks. For all I know, she could break up with him next week or this could only be a platonic friend. Things like this used to kill me and I want to be sure I can always keep the vibe naturally with all women. I just have to get this down. - Jesse



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It's funny, looking back now. All through high school I couldn't for the life of me understand why being a nice guy didn't win women over. I mean, it would make perfect logical sense, right? If I listened to them cry over and over about their boy problems, and offered my love and sympathy, then logically they'd realize what a great guy they'd been missing out on, right? I won't even bother wasting your time; you already know the end of that story. Then a funny thing happened- and your course had a ton to do with this: I gave up. I stopped trying so hard to impress. I stopped caring about so much about their problems. I remember the very night and exactly what I had been drinking. I went to a party deciding I didn’t care about dressing or looking my best- I was just going to have a good time, and whatever happened happened. And sure enough, my success skyrocketed. I won’t pussyfoot around it- I acted like a dick. I said what came to mind, teased every woman I came into contact with and somehow my inner nice guy balanced it out just enough that I finally experienced the true beauty of push-pull first hand. As Morpheus from The Matrix says, you showed me the door, but I had to walk through it. And walk through it I did. Since that night I have felt exponentially better about the way I am with and around women. I am more confident, secure, and maybe at times a little cocky. And yet there is still something missing, and this is going to sound corny as hell, but it’s true: love. It’s a word I’ve seldom heard used in your courses, and understandably so: it’s not what your courses are directly about. But they are potentially a means for finding such a thing. A year and a half into your newsletters and this poor college student feels like a new man. And yet I still haven’t found someone worth sticking with, someone who makes me sick to my stomach I obsess so much over them. I often attribute it to the fact that I feel I have become very good and natural at everything leading up to going in for the kill, and yet then I somehow fall short. I’m never sure if it’s a matter of something I’m forgetting to say or do or if there’s still a sneaking insecurity I am trying to hush, but despite the change I feel I’ve gone through and the positive way in which women generally treat me, I still have little to show for it. I have never really had a long-term steady girlfriend, and I won’t bore you with any detailed history, but it’s that constant void in my life which is just never quite filled, and I feel if there’s anything that could jumpstart filling that void, it’s a course like yours on Vibing. I may be wrong, and it may in fact be that one last missing piece of the puzzle I need, but after a while, no number of hook-ups can fill a lonesome void, not for me anyways. In the meantime, regardless of who you pick, I’d like to thank you via this letter for helping me as much as you have, seeing as I’ll never be able to do it in person. Keep on doing what you do, and thanks for reading. -benjammin



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Swinggcat, Thank you for the opportunity, I've never won anything in my life so I won't hold my breath. Your Natural Vibing course sounds really good but I've found so much crap out there it's getting too hard to tell the good stuff from the garbage. I just want something that works!! I'm in my mid 30's, broke, drive a crappy car and I'm a full time student. I want your course to break out of my bordom with life, meet some beautiful women and have some fun finally! Being able to spark some attraction with women would boost my confidence and prove to myself that not all is lost. Thanks Joe



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You'd think growing up with 6 sisters It'd be easy talking to the fair sex. You'd think I had a stuttering problem when I speak to them now. I have tried several of your suggestions when I have had the chance to speak to women, but have failed miserably. It's not that I want to sleep with a different lady everynight, but the chance has arisen several times and I didn't know how to take advantage of the situation. Any help would be appreciated! Thx moe



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Like everyone looking to turn their life around, i found the community of pick up and seduction which has been overwhelming to be honest! tons of information on the mechanics of a pick up to the inner game foundation necessary for everything else to be congruent and effective. But even after going through all these techniques to be interesting, nothing will get you more comfort with a girl than truly vibing with her. How many times do you hear girls say "there was something about him, we just clicked" Well, that's the kind of interaction i'm seeking, to truly naturally vibe with women and have them feel this way and i knew exactly how to get it done without using manipulative techniques that girls smell miles away. I would love to read swinggcat's natural vibing course to be able to become a true natural with women. I'm ready for the next evolution! ~Jaime



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Hi Swinggcat, I want to tell you why I want your natural vibing course. I have studied your past material from your e-book, to your foundations for generating attraction, to your sexual connections course. So there is no doubt of my effort, energy or time in wanting to increase my success with women. But I have to say that for the longest time that I didn't know what success was for me. I thought it was just being able to attract more women, get more women in bed or find the right woman for me. Boy did I kid myself. I found that women are most attracted to me when I am in my element ( where I am just my dominant, confident, comfortable in my skin alpha male). The best part about that was for the fact that I really was not doing anything other than being myself. I am not a PUA nor will I ever be one. What I now realize is that I want to build up my character as a person so that I may exhibit and portray this positive high alpha-male energy and sexuality. Not only because I want to attract more women, but I feel much more happier and joyous as a person knowing that I can act, think, do and say things independent of what others may think of me. If your course hits on the topic I just explained where we as guys can natually conversate with women even sometimes without the social aspect so that they respond to us (like what you see in the animal kingdom), then this is the program I feel is for me without a doubt!! Noel



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It's been a fascination of mine for a while now the way people interact. Having had an extreme case of shyness to the point I could not talk to people in my class while i was in high school or uncomfortably hangin out in some corner in a party, I have worked tremendously hard to overcome this. As much as I would like this course to better my chances of finding true love, I can see how it would help in all other aspects of human interaction. The earlier two articles were a real eye opener .. i look forward to this one too. luxman



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My last real date was in 1999. That is also the last time that I had sex. I need to find a way to overcome my limitations so that I can finaly find a girlfriend and get married again. The Natural Vibing course could be a good start in that direction. - meserovey



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Swinggcat, let me tell you a story: In college I fell in love with the girl I thought I would marry. My senior year, I applied for a program through Americorps and she was supportive. I got accepted, and she was supportive. I moved to another state to work. She dumped me. I was left alone in a new place (on the Mexican border in South Texas), the primary language, though I'm still in the States, is Spanish, which I don't speak well. It is a small community which has NOT been open to me (in the entire school district of over 1000 employees, I am the only black in an area where blacks are still called colored). Whenever I attempt to meet women, I usually fall flat on my face because I'm an outsider. Women are nonexistent in my life, I can't meet new women, and this has been my reality for the past 2 years. After learning about your Natural Vibing course, Swinggcat, I realized that it is just what I need to help me at least get a date. I know that it will not magically fix things; however, being able to vibe better with women is the first step to being successful with them. Please, Swinggcat, help a friend out. - dionysian



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hi, i think i deserve it because of several reasons. i came here from fiji and have always wanted to live the "american pie" life but it wasn't as easy as it was in the movies, probably harder. but then last year i was at barnes and noble all frustrated and i came upon a pickup book, this lead me to internet searches and bam!! there is sooooo many dating gurus/coaches, who do you choose from, especially if you are from another country trying to live the american dream until you realise it is more of living from check to check on a monthly basis and avoiding debt collectors, let alone trying to fork out some money and purchase some material that will better improve your dating scene. don't get me wrong, im not completely horrible when it comes to women, i find my self sometimes connecting really well with chicks but then its just sometimes."natural vibing" would help me alot cause i know what it feels like to vibe with people but it is hard for me to reproduce the same actions/results. i don't know the mechanics and i would love to learn from someone who obviously knows his stuff. if i dont win this would suck as i dont have any means to purchase this program. i would love to but my money is so tight that my budget has a budget...lol thanks seneil



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I think the natural vibing course will be the bomb. I broke my neck a few years ago; I use to have at least 3 girls at a time. I am now getting back in the gane abd I am struggling. I really losy, I believe it to be my confident, easy going, care free way and I want it back! I went out the other day after reading you article, I purposrly tried applying what I read; kinda like jumping in and bumpin butts; it worked like a charm. Girls were buying me drinks and chics all over me! I want more, you got me excited and I want more. I know Deangelo's angle and all the other, tips and cheap tricks, they can keep it. You the man and I am a fathhul follower of the Swing Cat! - John



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I want the natural vibing course because for one after reading your e-mails about vibing I realized that I fall for almost all 7 misconceptions. I feel that I haven't really ever vibed with women.It seems uncomfortable at times just the aura reeks of it. I'm 22 years old and receive much much less play than any of my friends at all. I grew up in an alcoholic home where my father would hit me and my mom, so I grew up straying away from a family relationship. I fulfilled that need through a good friend I had had since elementary school. He was my best friend and my go to guy. All throughout middle school and mostly through high school he'd sweep in and grab the girls that I had the balls to talk to but he didn't. I finally landed a blonde bomb shell that I had dated for a while and thought I was in love with her. After a while of being with her, my so called friend came in and swooped her out from me. So, obviously I have had some trust issues since then. Without a family to console in or a friend, I had since sought that out through female relationships which as you know turned the females into the prize and they had since walked all over me. I began thinking that I was destined to be just the guy to hang out with, the friend, the crying shoulder, but never the guy to be with or to be chased after. After I purchased your book and learned about prizing, push pulling, and framing. My success has definitely increased I'm noticing that I'm getting more attention, but it's still not where I thought I would be after reading it. After reading your e-mail about natural vibing I realized that that is the missing link, the link that will tie it all together and have the girls that I thought were unattainable come crawling to me. That I can be the guy to swoop in on the girls talking to other guys, and have them not stop thinking about me. I'm a huge fan of yours swinggcat you gave me renewed confidence to the tenth degree, I recite to myself every night and every time I see a girl. I'm the prize, She likes me and she is going to try to do everything she can to get me interested in her, she wants to have sex with me, and we are going to have sex but only if she lives up to my standards and expectations. I thank you for everything you've done so far, and I really hope that you choose me to receive a copy of this natural vibing course. If I'm not chosen I'd really like to purchase a copy but I've been out of a job for a while due to a bad market and it's been hard getting back on my feet. Thank you so much and I can't wait to hear from you. Nick


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