Secret #1: I don't care if women think you're the nicest or smartest or funniest or most interesting guy in the world because...

If You Can't Generate Attraction In Women Emotionally Compelling Them To Want And Reach And Chase For More Of You, You're Out Of Luck!

If you master only this one crucial skill you can write your own destiny with women for the rest of your life.

The bad news is...

There's almost nowhere in the entire universe you can learn to generate attraction in women, emotionally compelling them to want and reach and chase for more of you.

Admittedly, a few dating experts offer some great lines for generating attraction.

The problem is...

Once you run out of memorized lines, women stop feeling attraction toward you.

After a lot of experimenting, testing, and honing I've extracted a repeatable structure for generating attraction in women.

Some of the attraction skills my book will burn into your brian are Push-Pull and Tension Loops.

These skills might not mean anything to you yet. But they will because...

They Are The Step-By-Step Structures For Generating Massive Attraction In Women Emotionally Compelling Them To Want And Reach And Chase For More Of You!

A Tension Loop is when you do something to create unresolved emotional tension inside a woman, increase it, release it by bringing closure to it, and then spark it all over again.

This Keeps The Women You Desire Feeling The Emotion Of Wanting & Reaching & Chasing For More Of You!

Soap opera writers use Tension Loops to keep women enraptured in their fictitious dramas for months – sometimes years! The structure is always the same. The soap starts off with some form of conflict or drama, sparking unresolved emotional tension.

Emotional tension increases up until the point of the climax.

The tension, then, is released by bringing some resolution to the conflict or drama.

And, finally, the show ends by sparking the tension all over again, compelling women to tune in for next week's show.

In my course you'll discover unknown secrets, giving you the power to create tension loops inside any woman you chose… compelling her to feel attraction toward You.

User Beware: Mastering The Tension Loop Will Give You The Kind Of Power Over Women That Might Scare You!

Push-Pull is the crème de la crème of attraction tools. This is what separates the ladies' man from the average guy. Every ladies' man I've ever met uses some form of Push-Pull.

Push-Pull is whenever you emotionally push a woman away from you… and then... emotionally pull her back in.

Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull. To get a sense of what I'm getting at, think, for example, of your favorite junk food.

What if you went on a strict diet for several weeks, depriving yourself of giving in to your urge to eat your favorite food?

What would feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge? I'm willing to bet it would be more intense than if you hadn't gone on your strict diet, yes?

Many Women Are Natural Push-Pull Artists!

Over the years I've heard dozens of stories from hapless men about women using Push-Pull to pick them up by the scruff of their proverbial neck, slamming their bodies with back-and-forth and side-to-side motions into the ground.

My all time favorite story is the one about the gorgeous girl sleeping with a guy and then, after sex, putting his ego on steroids by telling him, “You're the best lover I've ever had.”

Things alas take a self-esteem crushing turn for the worse when she undermines her praise with: “Actually, you're the fourth best lover I've ever had.”

The poor guy is crushed and he is, as if he were a little worker bee, struggling to move up to the number three slot.

You Can Attract Heaps Of Women Using These Psychological Mechanisms Without Being A Jerk!

The key is to make it playful and funny. Your intention should never be to hurt a woman. Your goal is only to mess with her a bit.

Do This And Women Will Find You Charming And Attractive!

Here's an example of this I've used countless times. At some point while interacting with a woman I might take her hand and praise, “You have the most amazing smile I've seen tonight…It makes me feel so happy inside!” She'll usually respond with, “Thank you!”

Then I'll count the fingers on my other hand and say, “You know what: actually there were four other girls with really amazing smiles tonight as well. Out of them, you have the fourth best smile. I'm going to call you number four.” And then I'll push away her hand.

More often than not, women demand, “Nooo! I want to be number one!” I'll usually retort with, “Alright, I'll promote you to number three for being feisty.”

Warning: Don't Use Push-Pull If You're Not Comfortable With Having The Power To Leave Women No Choice But To Feel Attraction Toward You...Even If They Find You Repulsive!

In my course, you'll learn six types of Push-Pull: Intentional Undermining, Guilty Conscience, Emotional Roller coaster, Revealing & Concealing, and Good Cop/ Bad Cop.

You'll discover body language techniques for using Push-Pull and read about a powerful Push-Pull secret for getting physical with a woman…even if she tells you, she's not attracted to you.

Keep in my mind...

My book is the only place on the planet where you'll learn about Push-Pull.


Secret #2: If you believe that women aren't attracted to you and that it is impossible to succeed with them, you're in big trouble.

Fact: Believing you're NOT attractive will affect the way you speak, your body language… and so on, conveying to women that you are an insecure, weak, unattractive man. Women feel zero attraction toward men having no confidence.

Genuinely believing, however, that the women you desire are massively attracted to you and that achieving your intended outcome with them is inevitable is one of the fastest ways to exponentially balloon your current success because...

Women Feel Attraction Toward Men Having Real Confidence!

When you truly believe you have the power to achieve massive success with women, every morsel of your being will exude “confidence.”

I'm going to spoon-feed you my own personal method for developing powerful beliefs that the women you desire are attracted to you and success with them is inevitable.

How Would Women React To You Differently If Your Confidence Went On Steroids?

Secret # 3: The underlying meaning of ninety percent of all male-female interactions is that the woman is the Prize and the man is trying to win her over. This underlying meaning is what I call the "Meta-Frame." The problem is...

Women Feel No Attraction Toward Men Trying To Win Them Over!

Think about it: when was the last time a woman told you a guy really turned her on because he called her a billion times a day or went out of his needy-ass way to get her validation by trying to impress her?


Yet, in most male-female interactions, the woman perceives a man's behaviors and actions as attempts to win her over. In my experience, only one out of ten guys has mastered the skills for compelling women to perceive him as a Prize to be won over. That means only one out of ten guys can consistently generate attraction with women. This is probably why ten percent of all the men in the world get ninety percent of all the women.

I still remember how I used to envy these "chosen" guys. I'd think: "Women are so used to men giving them attention that even if I abstain from acting needy and approval seeking, in their eyes, they'll still be the Prize I'm trying to win over. What are these guys doing differently?"

The good news is, I have a solution. I've developed a fool-proof method for establishing myself in every male-female interaction as the Prize...

Giving Women No Choice But To Perceive Me As Something They Want To Win Over!

Admittedly, I'm only human and every once in a long while I screw up by acting like a needy, approval-seeking wimp who is trying to win the woman over. But it's no big deal... because just in the nick of time I apply the Meta-Frame, compelling the woman to shift back to perceiving me as a Prize she wants to win over.

This could be the most powerful method for Attracting women that exists. And there is no one else currently teaching this method. I could charge hundreds of dollars just for this method alone but I have decided to include the whole system in my book. This method by itself is worth the $39.95

Would Your Success With Women Change If You Had The Skills To Compel Them To See You As A Prize They Want To Win Over?

Secret # 4: Many a man has been at a bar, spotted an attractive woman and thought to himself, “Wow! She really works those breasts, bouncy bouncy.” Next, he went up to talk to her and within the first thirty seconds of conversation the poor bastard went belly up as she hammered him to jelly. He, then, walked away hunchbacked and long faced, wearing an existential funk ten times the size of his deflated ego.

You can probably relate. I know I can. I've been there about a billion times. Heck! – I used to be so scared to approach an attractive woman that I'd imagine her steam rolling me, leaving me for road kill in her wake. How cool is that – I'd disqualify myself without even talking to her.

Meeting And Approaching Women Is No Easy Business For Those Who Haven't Mastered The Necessary Skills!

Fact: Most Pick Up Lines fail miserably because they convey that women are the Prize we are trying to win over. And, as you already know...

Women Feel No Attraction Toward Men Trying To Win Them Over!

A few years back, I put on my thinking cap and figured out ways to approach women that did not convey I was trying to win them over. As my creative juices were flowing, I went a step further by coming up with ways to approach women that conveyed they were trying to win me over. The results were phenomenal, to say the least. After only uttering a few short words, women were hooked.

After reading my Real World Seduction manual you'll understand the underlying psychology to hooking women within the first few seconds of interacting with them..

Compelling Them To Perceive You As A Prize They Want To Win Over!

Secret #5: Have you ever been talking to an attractive woman and felt that she wasn't into you? Maybe there was a lingering awkward silence and you were at a loss as to how to break it. Maybe as you were talking, her eyes started shifting around, looking for something more interesting to pay attention to. I dunno? This used to happen to me all the time. This happens to most men more often than they'd like to admit because...

They Don't Know How To Engage Women!

Some men yap yap yap in a way that bores women to death. Some pummel women with questions, making them feel they are on an interview. These men don't have the skills to engage women. If you can't engage a woman your chances of success with her are very grim. When I finally learned how to properly engage women my love life transformed. In my book you'll learn many skills for engaging women, two of which are story telling and cold reading.

Almost Every Guy I Know Who's Amazing With Women Is A Fantastic Storyteller!

Most guys, however, cannot tell engaging stories if their life depended on it—I know I couldn't. I read books on the subject but their advice helped minimally at best. But I went out and experimented and came up with a foolproof structure for creating and telling engaging stories...

Compelling Women To Hang Onto Every Word!

Most of us guys have been told since we were little kids that women's favorite subject is themselves. So what do most guys do? They barrage women with a litany of questions like: "What do you do?," "What's your name?," "What do you look for in a guy?," "Do I have a chance with you?"...and so on. Doing this turns women off because...

It Conveys To Them That You Are Needy And Makes Them Feel Like You Are Interviewing Them!

It's not that asking questions is bad when first meeting a woman. I love asking questions because I'm a very inquisitive person. But I usually ask a woman only a few questions when first meeting her. I DON'T inundate her with dozens of questions. You might be thinking, "How do I capitalize off of talking about women's favorite subject if I don't ask them lots of questions?"

Well you're in luck! I've developed a system for telling a woman about herself without asking her a single question... and it will work even if you have NO prior knowledge about her. This is known as cold reading. I think a lot of guys have experimented with cold reading with minimal results because... there is little applicable information available on cold reading.

The books currently available are designed for psychics, not guys trying to meet women. If a guy used the information in these books, he would probably come across as creepy. So, I had to go out and experiment on my own.

The end result is a powerful, easy to master, method that drives women crazy. It is almost freakish how accurate my method of cold reading is. And I am revealing all of it in this book.

Warning: When using my cold reading method...

Don't Be Surprised If Women Are So Intrigued, They Won't Leave You Alone!

So Be Careful Who You Use This On!


Secret #6: Most guys spend their time trying to live up to women's standards and expectations. They, for example, think to themselves: Am I tall enough, skinny enough, attractive enough, rich enough…and so on, to attract women? The sad reality is, the more you worry about being good enough for a woman, the more attraction you'll feel toward her and the less attraction she'll feel toward you. So if you're guilty of doing this...STOP IT!

On another note: I've figured out a way to reverse this process, making women live up to my standards and expectations. As a result...

Women's Attraction Toward Me And Their Willingness To Go Along With What I Want Them To Do Grew Exponentially!

I've personally, for example, used this method dozens of times to make out with very hot women within minutes of meeting them. On a number of occasions, this technique has been solely responsible for me sleeping with women I'd only known for a few hours. This method has been successfully used to motivate women to want to go out and pick up another girl for a threesome.

Maybe you have no interest in making out with, sleeping with, or having threesomes with women you've just met. Maybe all you want is a fantastic girlfriend or wife. Well you're in luck.

Most women will go along with whatever you want them to do, as long as you tell them in the right way. This technique will break down step-by-step exactly how to get women to go along with whatever you want through challenging them to live up to your standards and expectations.

The Possibilities Of What This Technique Can Do Are Only Limited By Your Imagination!

Secret #7: Have you ever found yourself having a conversation with a woman when all of the sudden she responded negatively toward you, and instead of responding with something witty, you just froze up completely?

Don't worry if this has happened to you.

I have been there so many times that I have figured out a method that will prevent this from happening. Instead of giving you only a list of witty comebacks to negative things women say, I am going to reveal to you a way of thinking that will enable you to come up with witty comebacks on the spot.

Not only will this inoculate the insult, but also will turn the rudest women into giggly affectionate little girls who will be uncontrollably trying to touch you. This really is verbal Jujitsu at its best.

Just Think How Good It Will Feel Having The Power To Turn A Cold Aloof Woman Into A Warm Affectionate Giggly Little Girl Who Can't Keep Her Hands Off You!

Secret #8: Have you ever tried to put the moves on a woman, only to go up against a huge wall of resistance? Maybe you even spent a pocket full of money on her, taking her out for dinner and drinks. Maybe she acted attracted to you. Maybe you had liked her for a really long time and were hoping she had similar feelings toward you. I dunno? Did it make you feel frustrated or like a loser? If you have experienced this, I feel ya brother. I have experienced each of these scenarios more than once.

I remember feeling like such a frustrated loser. To make matters worse, there was usually another guy in the picture, whom the woman claimed to be repulsed by. Yet to my horrifying surprise she'd usually end up sleeping with him instead of me. Frustrated by this, I'd think: “If she is attracted to me and disgusted by him, why did she sleep with him and not me?!” After a lot of thinking and experimenting I reverse engineered all of the secrets these guys were using that I wasn't – and boy do they work! I'm going to reveal all of them to you.

After Reading My Book You'll Feel Excited About Women Putting Up Resistance, Knowing That You Have The Skills And Knowledge To Turn This Resistance Into Sexual Attraction!

Secret #9: You will also learn how to turn an innocent conversation into a one-night-stand. Many men feel unclear on how to make this consistently happen. You'll get a step-by-step Real World example of me, personally, meeting a woman and having sex with her a few hours later. I go into excruciating detail on this, revealing to you every last smidgen of dialogue, and describing many body language and sexual tactics I used to generate massive attraction...

Compelling Her To Literally Force Me To Sleep With Her!

"Hey man, I've just reread your "how to get a one nighter" part -- powerful stuff."

Alex, Brooklyn , NY .

Here's Why You'll Start Getting Immediate Results From This Manual...

Many dating books are passively read and then forgotten about. It's not that there are no pearls of wisdom contained in them, sometimes there are. But the sad reality is that 90% of men won't benefit from these books one bit. They may spark a great idea in someone. But they fail to give men a structure to take action. My book is different in that at the end of each chapter I have included exercises and drills, giving you a structure to immediately start implementing and benefiting from the secrets in my book.

I could package these secrets individually, charging a minimum of $39.95 for each one - they're that good! It's actually difficult to justify the combined value of these secrets being anything less than $100.00. But I've going to give you access to all of these secrets plus many more for only $39.95. I'm doing this because I have a feeling the success these secrets bring you will get you so excited you'll turn others onto my book. So it really is a win-win deal for the both of us.

Consider that $39.95 is less than what most men spend on a Saturday night!

So let me ask you this: If implementing just one secret from my book allowed you to achieve a new success - maybe, for example, having a new woman in your life you thought you could never attract - would it be worth a onetime $39.95? I'm willing to bet it would be worth a lot more than $39.95. Now imagine yourself implementing just 50% of the secrets you'll learn in my book. Think what might be possible. And if it did change the course of your life with women, just how much would my book be worth to you?

I have an intuition about you...

You really want more success with women and dating Otherwise you wouldn't have read this far, right?

Reality Check: If You Don't Commit To Doing Something Right Now About Improving This Area Of Your Life, There Is A High Probability You'll Go To Your Grave Never Getting This Area Of Your Life Taken Care Of!

Take The Real World Seduction Ebook For A FULL 7 Day Test Drive For A Single Dollar!

I'm about to do something a little crazy. Well, I'm being modest. Many marketers will think I'm off my freakin' rocker.

I'm going to give you access to my entire ebook for 7 days for a single dollar. You'll have a chance to read through the whole book. Go out and apply all of the secrets I reveal. You'll have an opportunity to see for yourself that I know what I am talking about before shelling out $39.95.

Why am I doing this?

Because I remember when I was trying to figure this stuff out, I was reluctant to invest in my love life. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if the investment paid off, I'd make it in a heart beat. But I didn't. And because of that... it took me years to make that leap.

There's a good chance you're the same way. But life is short and your love life is no laughing matter.

That's why I've taken all the risk out of this investment by letting you test drive my book for 7 days for a single dollar. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Download your copy of Real World Seduction right now.


Yes! I Want To Get My Hands On A Copy Of Your Kick Ass Dating And Attraction Course Right Now!

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Your Loyal Dating Coach,

P.S.- Every technique, concept, and strategy you learn inside my book has been field tested by me and my students hundreds of times. I've included only concepts and techniques that get consistently results. I'm positive you too can experience success with these techniques. That's why I offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

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Check out what people are saying about Real World Seduction...

"Hello Swingcat, book is amazing, push/pull techniques, cold readings, they all actually work. It's pretty funny to see these techniques in action. If used properly they're flawless. Thanks."

C from Canada

"Your material opened my mind about how women function and exist, which was a mystery for me. Now when observing or talking to women I know exactly what's happening. It's exciting."



g really sociable thanks to your course

Grant – U.S.

"You have the best info out there with actual examples of real world situations.    i'm having so much fun with your stuff it's incredible.  girls love it when i make fun of them and tease them!!!   anyways, looking forward to new things from you my man!  hungry for more info!"

Dr. "J" in Jersey

Using your book I have managed to have 6 girlfriend at the same time. Everyone of them are totally in love with me.

Ralph from fontana California

"Hi.  I have to tell you, your book has astounded me.  Since I got divorced 2 1/2 years ago, I've had one date, with a girl who told me that she used to weigh 300 pounds before her tummy tuck surgery, and that her father was the head of the Iranian Mafia here in Oklahoma (I shit you not).
    In other words, I've been a total chump with women.  Then I read your book at 3am saturday night, and then went to a bridal show the next day.  I used the push-pull technique with some guy's girlfriend, and she kept hanging out with me, bringing me chocolate-covered strawberries, etc. until her boyfriend got pissed and led her away.  Later that night we all went to dinner and I ended up sitting next to a smoking runway model from the fashion show.  I used your techniques again, and had her laughing at my jokes, touching my arm and leg, eating off my plate, feeding me her food, etc.  I even ordered her to pay me 10 cents for the french fry she stole, and she immidiately dug into her purse and  give me a quarter.  I went home feeling like superman.  This chick was 24 years old, thin, gorgeous.  I'm a 30 year old, 245 lb., glasses-wearing dude who lives in a one room apartment.
    I was saying really nice things to these chicks, compliments that I
never would have said before because I was afraid of being "too nice."  

Then I'd turn around and say something insulting that I never would have said before for fear of looking like a jerk.

For instance, the first girl told me that she would shave her head if
she could, because she hates dealing with her hair.  This girl has two or
three college degrees and works as a social worker.  I said, "You know, you are obviously a really intelligent girl.  Very smart.  But tell me in the hell does somebody earn two college degrees when they are too friggin' lazy to comb their own hair?"

A few moments later she was telling me an interesting story about how
she broke her arm.  I acted extremely interested, asked questions, seemed to be into the story.  Then, right in the middle of a sentence, I turned around and walked off to talk to somebody else.

 In the meantime, one of my friends was there, a nerdy looking,
effeminate computer geek who seems to have a new hot girlfriend every week.

I watched him talk to a girl, and he was very animated and had a big smile on his face as he talked to her, but he had his arms crossed and his body turned away from her.  Just like in the book.  Then he changed to an open posture.  Then back.

I tell you, your book has explained every damned question I've ever had
about women, about friends who where good with girls, and about my own lameness.  Thank you so much.  It's almost scary to think of how good I'm going to be when I've re-read the book several times and mastered the techniques.  I read it again today and saw several more things that I could have done even better. "


"I recently went to a huge (500 people) singles party in Boston .  I had been reading your book and was brushing up on your approaches before going in.  The first few women I did the proverbial Hi, whats your name, where do you live and they couldn't wait to get away from me.  Then I went into pug dog/beagle dog naming and adventuurous/spontaneous.  The difference was like night and day.  The women I did these stories with were smiling at me all night, completely entertained.  I am hooked on your material, reading/internalizing it every day.  I am continuing to use it on some of the women I met that night and meeting more.

This is the beginning of something big for me.  I guess I don't need to be a rock star after all.  Just generating prizability, etc. "

Don T.  

Dear Swinggcat

"I downloaded your book about a week ago now (a monday) I studied the first chapter intently and upon coming to the end of the first section I decided that I didn't want to wait a while to continue reading so I just carried on and read the whole first chapter in two days, taking my time of course, none the less, I decided that in the short term trying to learn all of the tecniques of bat was a bad idea and thus instead chose to pick out what seemed to be key information that with focus and determination could be securly in place to a reasonable level within a week. I went out friday night and arrived at 8. I then spent the first 1 1/2 hour of my 2 1/2 hour stay deciding which girls would be worth trying to get, at around 9.30pm one of thge most beautiful girls in the place came up and started talking to me, by 9.50pm she was my girlfriend, all thanks to you, I had spent the previous 5 years having zero sucess and now with your help I flying at the top yours gratefully


Hey Swinggcat,

Great book man! Your book as well as your tips have really boosted my success with women. Just in the past 3 days, I have slept with 2 different girls; plus I am working on about 5 others. The key is, like you say, to be the prize! My phone is ringing off the hook because I am not calling these girls and they are wondering what I am doing lol Then instead of planning a night out, I just call them at around 8pm and ask if they want to chill. They always say yes and I go there for sex. The whole time there I am using open loops and undermining compliments and they respond with "Hey, stop!" and "you're mean!"  but the thing is they're smiling the whole time!  :)

-AJC from Sherman Oaks

hey swingcat, thanks for your advice. I must say, i've been enjoying
the benefits a lot! You're FRAMES and PRIZABILITY concepts are
absolutely astounding, and so have been the results! The best is yet
to come, but thank you in advance!

T from Washington

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