Who Is Swinggcat & Why You Need To Learn From Him


In Junior high school, I found myself in quite the predicament: I started liking girls. The only problem was, they didn’t like me back – and rightfully so: I was a perfect 10 on the Gimp-O-Meter. When a girl said “hi” to me, my heart beat so fast it felt as if blood were spouting straight out of my chest the way a whale clears its blowhole. When interested in a girl, I’d proceed at the gait of a special Olympic hurdler. It would take me a whole semester just to get up the gall to sit next to her.

The summer before high school, I decided to beat the gimp out of me. Every morning I’d schlep down to the local bookstore and devour as many books on flirting, dating, and confidence as I could find. I stuffed my brain with so much info, I felt like a self-help library with feet.

After the bookstore, I’d adjourn over to a shopping mall and test out my newfound knowledge on just about any female with a pulse: high schoolers, soccer moms, old ladies, women the size of mini marts… and so on. Amidst my debut into the single scene trenches, my ego was beat and pounded like a boxer’s peanut bag.

But by the time school started, I was sporting a new haircut, stylish threads, a barrel full of confidence, and a little skill with da ladies. This scored me a few gorgeous girls, popularity, and the friendship of one of the best ladies men I’ve ever met.

While most freshmen are gazelles in a land full lions, he was the exception to the rule: a David who outsmarted the legions of bigger and better looking Goliaths. Somehow, his little paws slinked into the panties of several of the best-looking seniors in my high school.

Though not much to look at, within minutes of talking to a woman, she’d start seeking his approval and chasing after him as if he were the last man on earth.

Because people were always stupefied by his power with women, I nick named him the Dark Horse.
It’s taken me years to fully understand what the Dark Horse was doing and to realize that you can use all of the Dark Horse’s secrets without being mean or manipulative. If you use them correctly, women will find you charming and attractive. That’s exactly what you’re going to learn inside my book.

This Dark Horse taught me the ropes with women. The more I hung out with him, the better I got.
But then things took a crippling turn for the tragic when I fell hard for an ice-queen who toyed with my emotions, fretting a hole deep within my heart and leaving me as gimped and as helpless as a baby lamb halfway through fleecing and slaughtering. My skill and confidence with women atrophied to the size of a withered raison. It took me years to recover.

Then one night in college, I felt so lonely and desperate I… gulp… slept with a woman who was as wide as she was tall. I could barely perform.

Nonetheless, I fell asleep in her bed. The next morning I woke up feeling crushed by her enormous torso and depressed that I’d hit an all time low.

The very thought that this was the treacherous hand I'd been dealt, my lot in life, sent shivers down my spine. I decided that I needed to do something drastic about this area of my life.

So I perused the internet and discovered a group of guys with a yen from deep within their heart – or maybe groin – to get this area of their life figured out. I thought, “Cha-ching – these guys are gonna help me get my mojo back.”

Alas, they were as helpless as I was.

Shortly after that, however, destiny forked over a chunk of luck to me. I met and befriended a group of bonafide ladies men. I racked their brains, reaching my hand deep inside their skulls and pulling out every attraction secret they knew.

One day it hit me like a scolding hot frying pan across the forehead: these guys are doing what the Dark Horse did.
I got so excited that I sat down and wrote out all of the things he did with women. I was returning to my roots, the attraction secrets that originally brought me success with women.

Then I plunged myself into the single scene trenches, testing, tweaking, developing, and simplifying these secrets into a step-by-step system that consistently pulls women in by their eyeballs, emotionally driving them to see you as a prize they’ll do what ever it takes to win over.




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