This Is NOT Your Typical Book On How To Meet, Date, And Attract Women!

This Book Is Different Becauseā€¦

Most dating authors base their theories on a female demographic totaling close to nobody.

I know one expert whose theories are based on one woman, his wife. I'm happy that he met, seduced, and married a wonderful woman.

But c'mon... there's no freakin' way you can extrapolate an effective attraction system from your experience with one woman... or even 10 women... or even 50 women... or even 100 women.

I Used The Scientific Method To Develop My Attraction System.

Put in plain English, I've developed, rigorously tested, and tweaked my attraction system over the last ten years by interacting with... not a few women... not a few dozen women... not even a few hundred women... but thousands of women from around the globe.

Some dating and seduction authors claim to have real world experience, which is good, but they don't give You any Real World applications. Just lots of yapping about their philosophical theories about dating and attracting women.

When I was first learning about dating and attracting women I remember thinking: "These theories are fascinating but my goal is to have more success with women, not become a philosopher of love."

That's why I've written a book where the rubber meets the road and inside...

You'll Discover Step-By-Step How To Meet, Date, Attract, And Get Intimate With The Women You Desire!

Many authors worry about being "politically correct." They fear women judging their ideas as immoral, disrespectful, and chauvinistic.

Because of this, what they teach strays so far from what works in the real world that you're better off sticking to a bottle of K. Y. jelly and a stack of dirty magazines than using their material.

But I didn't write this book to get the approval of women. I created it to give You authentic power, choice, and success with women.

That's why inside my course you'll discover all the dirty little secrets most men who are successful with women use - I don't hold back.

You'll even learn secrets bad boys and jerks have been using since the beginning of mankind to attract heaps of women.

These Are Secrets Many Dating Experts Don't Have The Guts To Tell You...

...because, although they know they're effective, they find them unethical and manipulative.

But I don't care. I'm going to teach You all of them because...

I've Discovered A Way To Use Them That's Neither Mean Nor Manipulative... Yet Generates Massive Amounts Of Attraction Inside The Women You Desire!

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