How To Get A Girl To Like You Without Losing Your Dignity


John's first crush was in the first grade. Her name was Suzy.

That was twenty years ago. His childhood best friend Tom has invited him to a dinner party.

At the dinner party, Suzy flashes John a big smile - a smile that will make tomorrow a little sunnier than yesterday.

She twirls a blonde lock and her perfume wafts into his nose and brings him the same joy he used to get from playing in the sandbox with her.

Every jape he makes, she one-ups him. Each repartee he fires, she parries and quips back.

A combination of her beauty, intelligence, and humor hurl him into an imaginary future with her.

We'll have three kids, all with her brains and good looks and my height and discipline.

Alas, when a man starts massaging her neck, he's hastened back to the present.

He likes her. But doesn't know how to get her to like him back.

A lot of men just want to get a girl... any old girl.

But that's not enough. I want to teach you how get a girl to like you... not just any girl but the girl you desire.

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